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In this final video in the Confident Connections series, presenter Tony Woods sums up what you have learned so far in the series, and talks about how different groups of stakeholders can impact on your project and how you should approach them.
21 Sep 2022 , 1 Min Article
Learn why you need to view things from a different perspective, because the best way to connect with other healthcare professionals is to recognise and understand how they see things.
How can you move from an interesting idea to tangible, collaborative action? The third video in the Confident Connections series provides you with two practical tools to take a great idea and make it a game changing local service.
07 Jul 2021 , 1 Min Article
As pressure increases and demand grows in primary care, resources are stretched and the gaps show. Community pharmacies are perfectly placed to step in and bridge those gaps and support health and wellbeing in neighbourhoods across the country.
How to make the most of technology and the commercial opportunites it offers.
03 Oct 2019 , 10 Min Module
Step into your customers' shoes and walk through our 3D pharmacy to learn how to maximise the impact and profitability of your pharmacy.
03 Oct 2019 , 3 Min Module
This training offers insights into making the most of technology and the commercial opportunities this can offer your business.
02 Apr 2019 , 8 Min Module
The beauty industry has continued to grow and thrive in recent years, with the economic downturn doing little to lessen British consumers’ enthusiasm and thirst for new products and innovative additions to their personal care regimes. But it’s not just products that are evolving. Customers’ tastes and wishes are also constantly in flux.
10 Mar 2016 , 3 Min Article