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Meeting targets and objectives

Getting where you want to be doesn’t happen by accident. It needs a strategic approach, with written targets and a clear plan

This Business CPD module is about understanding your personal strengths and weaknesses, to help you identify where you should look to develop your skills


  • To appreciate the importance of aligning business objectives and targets to overall strategic goals and vision.


  • Understand the development of strategic goals and how to link to the business vision
  • Develop clear business objectives with SMARTER criteria
  • Appreciate the importance of how targets can influence positive and negative behaviours.


About this module

Pharmacy needs strong managers, effective leaders and people with the right skills to drive the profession forward. With this in mind, P3 Business CPD modules are written as practical learning tools for use by anyone in the pharmacy team.

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a statutory requirement for pharmacists. Completion of the module will contribute to the nine pieces of CPD that must be recorded in a year, as stipulated by the GPhC.

Record your learning and how you applied it in your practice using the action and evaluation record at the end of this module, which will then be stored in your personal learning log. You must be registered on the website to do this.

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